Survival By Design Cards for the Wicked Smart and Sassy

A project in Providence, RI by Jennifer Adler

Funding Successful

Our cards are honestly and irreverently funny. The smart kind of funny that not everybody gets. And colorfully diverse. Cool, right?
Backers: 98
Average Pledge Per Backer: $52

Funded: $5,100 of $5,000
Dates: Jul 26th -> Aug 25th (30 days)
Project By: Jennifer Adler
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Last Updated: March 4 @ 17:50 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Wrapping up and happy new year!

September 26th - via:
Hello, you gorgeous guy or gal! :) Just a final update (well, maybe not  "final", that sounds so sad) to say that everyone should have received their Survival By Design Cards swag by now. If you haven't, please let me know. I think there are a few... (Read More)

List of Awesome

September 21st - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

The Post Office Loves Me

September 11th - via:
Hello! I've been a busy little bee, getting rewards packaged up and bringing lots of puffy white envelopes to the post office. I'll have you know that I personally am stamping "first class" and "do not bend" on all of them. :) I'm helpful that... (Read More)


August 30th - via:
Thank you to everyone who has already filled out their survey and sent it back to me. :) We are going to have a big "assemble/package/mail" party here in the studio in the very near future to get all your goodies out to you. There's a teensy tiny... (Read More)

We did it! We @#$%! did it! :)

August 22nd - via:
You. All. Rule! Dang-a-lang! Wahoo! :) As I'm sure you all know, as of 10 AM this morning, my good friend Carissa Hill's pledge brought us to $5,000 thus making the campaign a freakin' success! With 2 days to spare, no less. :) And you know what that... (Read More)

Halleluyah, it is almost done.

August 17th - via:
Here we are...down to the last 6 days! Thankfully so because, as I had suspected, I'm not really built to be a fundraiser. :) This whole asking for money (even in exchange for fantastic stuff) thing is really stressful. My hat is tipped to all of you... (Read More)

You are frickin' amazing!

August 11th - via:
Hello, awesomely awesome people who have so generously contributed to me reaching 63% (what?) I said SIXTY THREE PERCENT of my goal so far!! WAHOO! I'm so amazed by your fantastickness and wonderfulosity! You've touched my heart so—I'm making up... (Read More)

I love filling orders!

August 5th - via:
Prior to having my cards professionally printed, whenever I got a wholesale order from a store I would react first with extreme joy and happiness. Then, as the excitement wore off, a feeling of dread and anxiety would creep in as I realized I need to... (Read More)

More fun videos: "I need Space" presentation at Pecha Kucha

July 31st - via:
Hello! I had the honor of presenting last week at our local Pecha Kucha event here in Providence. For those of you who don't know me, I react to having to speak in front of large groups of people with fear and loathing. But, sometimes you have to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!