The Complete Homilies of Oscar Romero: Volume 1
A project in by Convivium Press000days
Funding Unsuccessful
The homilies are the impassioned voice of a prophetic pastor addressing his people at a time of unprecedented crisis and violence.
Backers: 24
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64
Funded: $1,538 of $20,000
Dates: Apr 30th -> May 30th (30 days)
Project By: Convivium Press
Backers: 24
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64
Funded: $1,538 of $20,000
Dates: Apr 30th -> May 30th (30 days)
Project By: Convivium Press
current pledge level
Last Updated: May 30 @ 20:30 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Thank you for your Support..!! - Last Update: "GOD’S KINGDOM IS THE TRUE WEALTH OF HUMANKIND"
May 28th - via:
Thank you for your support and accompaniment during this campaign. Sadly we did not reach our goal, but we are grateful for those who trusted in us and in what we do for the common good and the renewal of Christianity. On behalf of Convivium, I... (Read More)
The model that Pope Francis finds in Oscar Romero
May 27th - via:
Romero is an exemplar for Francis as he launches on what may well be a defining period in his pontificate. The next six months will bring three key events. The Pope's long-awaited encyclical on the environment and climate change is due next month.... (Read More)
Meditating with Romero: "We cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that"
May 26th - via:
"If we are worth anything, it is not because we have more money or more talent or more human qualities. Insofar as we are worth anything, it is because we are grafted on to Christ’s life, his cross and resurrection. That is a person’s measure. We... (Read More)
A day with Romero: his personal Diary (February 7, 1980)
May 25th - via:
I received a call from the ambassador of Spain, who is a hostage in his own embassy, which is occupied by the Popular Leagues of February 28. I tried to give him courage and I promised to go visit him. At the same time the person in charge of the... (Read More)
Homilía para la fiesta de Pentecostés de 1979: "La presencia invisible del Espíritu vivificante"
May 23rd - via:
PENTECOSTÉS VENIDA DEL ESPÍRITU QUE VIVIFICA 3 de Junio de 1979. Queridos hermanos: - Fiesta bíblica La Iglesia tiene una respuesta y es la que está dando este día: "Pentecostés". Es una fiesta de origen bíblico. Nació como una fiesta de... (Read More)
May 23rd - via:
PENTECOST THE COMING OF THE SPIRIT WHO GIVES LIFE TO THE NEW COVENANT ....This week I received accusations from both extremes: the extreme right says that I am a communist , and the extreme left says that I am moving toward the right . I am with... (Read More)
Homilía de Pentecostés "EL ESPÍRITU DE DIOS" (29 de Mayo, 1977)
May 23rd - via:
EL ESPÍRITU DE DIOS ¿Cómo no va a decir la Iglesia su palabra de dolor con el que sufre y de rechazo a la violencia contra todos estos atropellos? ¡Qué se juzguen las cosas, que se haga justicia! Pero por quien debe hacerla, porque por encima de... (Read More)
Live TV & Radio Broadcasting from San Salvador - The Vigil Prayer NOW..!!
May 22nd - via:
El Salvador's Catholic TV will be live streaming the incredibly special occasion with a participation of over 300.000 people from around the World. Click here to follow LIVE today`s VIGIL Prayer: You can also listen the... (Read More)
Beginning in March, 1978, Romero sat in front of a microphone almost every night and recorded...
May 22nd - via:
Much to everyone’s surprise, the new Archbishop proved to be a determined man. He cancelled Sunday Mass throughout the country and convened the Salvadoran Church in the cathedral for a single Mass; there, he publicly blamed the government for... (Read More)
¿Qué es un mártir? ¿fue Romero un mártir? ¿estamos llamados al martirio?
May 22nd - via:
La primera pregunta que nos tenemos que hacer es si el martirio es algo del pasado o del presente. La respuesta es que hoy hay martirios y más masivamente que en el imperio romano. Estamos en la época de más mártires de toda la historia... (Read More)
8 Days left for the end of the #RomeroHomilies Campaign
May 21st - via:
“Today's church leaders everywhere can learn a lot from Romero's actions. While issues might be different, there is a need for real leadership in the Church, particularly here in America." Check out the new English song... (Read More)
What would Romero say today about El Salvador? What would he say from the pulpit?
May 20th - via:
El Salvador’s civil war is long over, but the violence and inequality haunting the nation is as real as it was back in the 1980s. Children and families continue to flee El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras because the region is the deadliest... (Read More)
"A mystic incarnate in reality: analytical reading of his Will"
May 20th - via:
The first fragment of Monsignor Romero’s Will reads as follows: “It’s hard for me to accept a violent death and given the circumstances, it’s very likely to happen, even the Nuncio of Costa Rica warned me of the imminent dangers for this... (Read More)
¿Por qué traducir las obras completas de Mons. Romero al inglés?
May 20th - via:
Un grupo de teólogos, traductores y editores (Rafael Luciani, Félix Palazzi, Julian Filochowski y el traductor, el padre jesuita Joseph Owens) se han echado a cuestas la traducción completa al inglés de las homilías del próximo beato (23 de... (Read More)
Why is the Beatification of Oscar Romero a "turning point" for Catholicism?
May 17th - via:
There are four reasons why the Romero beatification is a turning point for the Catholic Church. First, it marks a healing of tensions over “liberation theology,” a movement in Latin American Catholicism promoting social justice. Its core idea is... (Read More)
The Ascension of the Lord is a Proclamation of Human Transcendence (1979)
May 17th - via:
Dear sisters and brothers, When I was a seminarian I heard a story that comes to mind given the circumstances of today, and I want to share it with you. It was a story about a sailor who was sent to fix something high on the mast; as he climbed... (Read More)
La Ascensión del Señor: proclamación de la transcendencia humana (Homilía, 1979)
May 17th - via:
Queridos hermanos: Anécdotas: el capitán del barco al aprendiz de marinero que se mareaba al subir al mástil: "Mira para arriba". Desde que era seminarista escuché algo que hoy, en estas circunstancias, me viene muy a la mente y quisiera... (Read More)
Homily of the Ascension: Rejection of Communism and Capitalism
May 16th - via:
The message of our Salvadoran bishops goes on to present a doctrinal orientation that I beg you to study, sisters and brothers. If you don’t have this issue of Orientación, we are going to print more copies in the coming days. I ask Catholic... (Read More)
We struggle for a more just and human world, for a greater social sensitivity
May 15th - via:
"I call upon Protestantism; I call upon all honorable organizations; I call upon all the goodness that is in each family and each heart. Why are we being pessimistic, sisters and brothers, in this hour when violence seems to be holding its banner... (Read More)
Romero recibió amenazas de muerte de parte de la derecha y de la izquierda
May 15th - via:
¿Que significa la figura de mons. Romero, su violenta muerte y su testimonio de vida, de cara a los retos de la Iglesia en la actualidad? Como pastor y como líder de la iglesia el arzobispo Romero acumuló autoridad moral colosal - que todavía hoy... (Read More)
Testimonio de Gaspar, uno de los hermanos del futuro beato Romero, y testigo del martirio
May 15th - via:
¿Usted escuchaba las homilías de su hermano? Sí, claro, y cuando tenía tiempo libre, me acercaba a la catedral o al Sagrado Corazón. En las semanas previas al asesinato ya se sentía en el ambiente lo que podría pasar. ¿Cómo vivió esos... (Read More)
The Church we weed
May 14th - via:
"The II Vatican Council that inspires today’s church was characterized by great sympathy toward the human situation. Though people were overwhelmed by their unbelief, by their sins, by their crimes, the Council saw in them an image of God needing... (Read More)
How can I be in heaven with those criminals?
May 13th - via:
"I repeat again what I have said here so often, addressing by radio those who perhaps have caused so many injustices and acts of violence, those who have brought tears to so many homes, those who have stained themselves with the blood of so many... (Read More)
What is the Common Good?
May 12th - via:
"The common good will not be attained by excluding people. We can’t enrich the common good of our country by driving out those we don’t care for. We have to try to bring out all that is good in each person and try to develop an atmosphere of... (Read More)
‘Oppression Is Not a Law of Nature’ - An Interview with Noam Chomsky on Oscar Romero
May 11th - via:
"The decade began with the murder of Archbishop Romero, it ended with the murder of the six Jesuit intellectuals. In between, two hundred thousand people were slaughtered. The United States was condemned for its involvement in some of these... (Read More)
Because so many persons are being tortured and mistreated, the church cannot remain silent
May 11th - via:
"We have to share our own conversion with the people, and even as we cry out against hatred, disunity, slander, and all the demonic forces that divide the world, we have to begin with ourselves. I am pleased that my brother bishops place me alongside... (Read More)
"The root of the distress of our continent"
May 10th - via:
"This violence that is abusive of power or of people’s rights is the violence that becomes institutionalized. In response there arises what has arisen in Latin America today: the bishops of Medellín tell us that a sign of the times is the... (Read More)
The violence that lies at the root of all violence
May 9th - via:
"I will not tire of declaring that if we really want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country,... (Read More)
Christian religion is not one-dimensional, spiritualistic, unmindful of the misery that surrounds them
May 9th - via:
"First of all, the church is providing us with Christian liberators inspired by faith. Second, the church is providing us with men and women who base their lives on a doctrine, the social doctrine of the church, which tells people that the Christian... (Read More)
Jesuit Theologian Jon Sobrino shares with us some insights on Romero`s life and his experience in El Salvador
May 8th - via:
Watch the complete Interview (Read More)
NEWS: Latin American Theologian plans to release #RomeroHomilies for the first time in English
May 8th - via:
After Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI blocked Romero's entry into the sainthood process, Pope Francis's unblocked the cause and declared Romero as Martyr because of his faith, not just his politics. His Beatification will take place on May 23,... (Read More)
My encounter with Oscar Romero: an Interview with Christopher Dickey
May 7th - via:
When I was covering the wars in Central America, all of us knew that the archbishop would be killed. After the murder of Rutilio Grande, who was his friend, Romero began to speak out ever more critically of the government and of the rich in a country... (Read More)
Nothing that is achieved through violence can long endure
May 7th - via:
"The Church has been with those who suffer and has always rejected violence. In front of the body of our beloved Chancellor I repeat: violence is neither Christian nor human… nothing that is achieved through violence can long endure. It is said... (Read More)
Introductory Words by Jesuit theologian Jon Sobrino SJ
May 6th - via:
I am delighted that the homilies of Archbishop Romero have now been translated into English. As I write in the general introduction, Romero’s Sunday homilies are a perfect expression of who he was and what he did as a Salvadoran, as a Christian,... (Read More)
Peace is not the product of fear
May 6th - via:
"Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.... (Read More)
Do you know who was Oscar Romero?
May 5th - via:
Oscar Romero, born in Ciudad Barrios, on 15 August 1927, studied theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was ordained priest in 1942. He served the diocese of San Miguel for 25 years. In 1967 he moved to San Salvador as Secretary... (Read More)
The violence of Love, of Brotherhood..!!
May 5th - via:
“We have never preached violence, except the violence of love, which left Christ nailed to a cross, the violence that we must each do to ourselves to overcome our selfishness and such cruel inequalities among us. The violence we preach is not the... (Read More)
What is Liberation? What is true liberty?
May 4th - via:
“We must overturn so many idols, the idol of self first of all, so that we can be humble, and only from our humility can learn to be redeemers, can learn to work together in the way the world really needs. Liberation that raises a cry against... (Read More)
Romero: Bishop of the Poor?
May 3rd - via:
Oscar Romero gave his last homily on March 24, 1980. Moments before a sharpshooter felled him, reflecting on scripture, he said, "One must not love oneself so much, as to avoid getting involved in the risks of life that history demands of us, and... (Read More)
What is Peace ? Is it possible ?
May 3rd - via:
"Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.... (Read More)
Committed to promote a world of justice and peace
April 30th - via:
Romero’s theology is best described as the theology of the beatitudes. If we put the beatitudes into practice can we begin to build a civilization of Nonviolence and Justice. In his words: "A civilization of love is not sentimentality, it is... (Read More)
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